
04 TYPO San Francisco 2017 Focus


Finding Your focus


⊕ Objective

Redesign and expand on campaign modeling material for the 2017 International Design Conference - TYPO Focus. Design a visual concept that demonstrates a conceptual and typographical system.


⊕ Approach

Shifts in design, society, culture are constant and designers are forced to make tough decisions. To be competitive, graphic designers need to be competent in web, print, mobile, type design, and UX. In this project, I used a variety of circular design elements to convey the idea of “Focus”.


⊕ Award

Silver A' Design Award in Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Category


Portfolio Web162-163.jpg
Lu-Min Huei (Mina)_GR601_PR02_John Nettleton.jpg
Type conference Final PDF  (dragged) 11.jpg
Type conference Final PDF  (dragged).jpg
mockup layout .jpg
Portfolio Web focus.jpg

⊕ Exhibition

Finding Focus, the winner of the coveted A' Design Award, has been exhibited in Italy, at Museo del Design - Via Bellinzona 15, 22100, Como / Italy, from 1st of June, 2021 to 18th of June, 2021, as part of a very prestigious international good design exhibition.